Sunday, August 16, 2015

SBPT'15 Pamela and her favorite covers

Welcome to  the 2015 Summer Blogger Promo Tour hosted by the Book Bratz. This tour features bloggers every Sunday. Today's post is dedicated to Pamela @A Writer's Tale

My 10 Favorite Covers

Let me Love You!

Of Beast and Beauty, by Stacey Jay


Many times over I've burdened everyone willing to listen that I love Of Beast and Beauty, and one of the reasons, is also that cover! It shows the perfect mix betwee the fantasy from the fairy tale and the sci-fi part.

These Broken Stars, by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

The cover of this book made a lot of readers swoon when it first became available to the public. The dress, the space, the font... I, for one, loved the breath of fresh air that came with this cover. A break from the standard girl & boy pose.

The Queen of Bright and Shiny Things, by Ann Aguirre

  The Queen of Bright and Shiny Things

And here's another one with Sticky Notes! All the Bright Places depresses me, so let's just go with this one. The sticky notes trend is pretty, and specially because, at least in this one, they do mean something. They're in the story. So it's not just there because. Symbolism in covers? Yay!

A Court of Thorns and Roses, by Sarah J. Maas 


Another Beauty and the Beast retelling. *-* Badass cover heroine? Check. Cool font? Check. Eerie background? Check. What's not to love?  

Daughter of Smoke and Bone, by Laini Taylor

 Blue. Everywhere. I like the covers of this series because of the predominant colors for each book. And the badassery. Let's not forget that.

Let's be Besties!

Immortal Rules The_Selection_Cover 
Talon Shadow and Bone 17334113
All these above, I love because of how representative the cover art is of the story itself. Vampires, lovely dresses, DRAGON SKIN, russian buildings, and Mardi Gras masks. (The Selection, I don't like your content, but you are gorgeous and that's something we've got to admit.)
Covers play a very important part on my decision to read a book or not. It makes me proud to show off my paperback or hardback with one of those awesome covers. I'd like to know how important it is for you guys for a book to be beautiful on the outside too, and if there have been times where a book with a boring cover has ever blown your mind :)

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